How to use the Power Dialer

Steps to using the power dialer calling feature inside of Uptics

The power dialer is helpful for staying focused on the task at hand, making phone calls. Essentially, the power dialer will automatically make your phone calls for a defined list. You can pull up a list of contacts that you want to dial and the system will start at the top and work its way down the list. You don't have to click any buttons or open up Contact Detail pages to start a call.

Per your Power Dialer Buffer Settings, you can set a "Delay" between calls and Uptics will autostart the next call for you. This allows you to leave notes and disposition the call, but Power through your list!

Once you have a phone number connected in Uptics, you can begin making calls using the power dialer.

The steps shown below in the video are the same whether you are on the People or Company tab on the Contacts Module, as well as inside of the Sales Inbox.

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