How to add a Deal from a sequence step?

Steps to add a Deal from a sequence

Within Uptics, you now have the ability to add a Deal from a sequence. This step is useful in a scenario where you will need to add bulk deals within the system. It is a hassle-free and less time-consuming process where you can add all your deals together via simple automation.

To add a 'Deal' via a sequence step, 'Add a Sequence' and when within a sequence, click the '+' icon and select the 'Deal' option to add a deal step. (see the below screenshot)

On clicking the above Deal option, It will open up as shown below.

From here, you have the ability to select your deal Pipeline, Stage, Days to Close the Deal, Amount, Frequency, and Description.

Note: In order to be able to select the Deal Pipeline and Stage under your Deal step in a sequence, you will need to have your Deal Pipeline and Stages created under Profile > Settings > System Properties. Refer to this article on how to Manage Deal Pipelines and Stages.

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