This article will break down the different Sequence Sending Options and their purposes.
In addition to the steps and screenshots below, I have a very helpful video 👇 that will guide you on how to set these appropriately, based on the targets you are trying to reach.
Below you will find a preview of the Sequence Settings. While going through the Sequence Builder, you will come across this step towards the end of the build process.
This can also be accessed at any point by clicking into the Sequence from the Sequences tab and clicking on Settings.
Sequences Settings Breakdown
Which days do you want this sequence to run?
This setting allows you to choose what day(s) of the week your emails and SMS messages will be sent from the sequence, as well as the days that tasks inside the sequence will be auto-assigned.
If the day of the week is highlighted blue with a tick mark symbol at the top right corner of the box, then the sequence is set to send messages for that day.
What time of the day do you want this to run?
This setting allows you to choose the timeframe in which you would like emails and SMS messages sent from the sequence you are building, as well as when tasks will be created from the sequence.
The Send Time parameters within the sequence settings as shown below screenshot will default to the Timezone you have selected under your Settings, in the Profile & Preferences section. You have the option to adjust the 'Timezone' at a sequence level from the below-mentioned dropdown option under the particular sequence.
Send Email From (*required)
The Send Email From setting allows you to determine the User from your organization to that emails and SMS messages get sent from, with respect to the particular sequence you are setting up. This is a required setting.
You can choose a specific User from your organization for this setting, or for more dynamics, you can choose the Contact Owner of each prospect that is enrolled in the sequence. You also have the option to select multiple emails to distribute the sending from which will help with sending deliverability and also the sending limits per email account in Uptics.
Note: When using 'Contact Owner', you will want to be adamant about this property being assigned to your prospects that are enrolled in your sequence. To check out if your prospects have a Contact Owner assigned, you can run a filter on the Contacts List Page (Contact Owner 'is blank'), and for anything blank, you can bulk update these prospects to whatever Contact Owner you'd like.
Daily Enrollment Limit
The Daily Enrollment Limit setting is where you determine the number of Enrolled Records that will move from 'In-Queue', or 'Sequence not started yet', to the first step of the sequence each day (following the Send Days settings above).
When you enroll a list of, say, 1000 contacts into a sequence, they are put in a queue and will begin the sequence based on this setting.
Some considerations here include the following:
The number of total prospects you have in your Auto-Enrolled SmartList(s), or the number of total prospects you have manually enrolled into the sequence.
The bandwidth and manpower you have to support the leads and any auto-created tasks you have built in the sequence.
Email sending reputation.
Daily Email Send Limit
The Daily Email Send Limit is where you determine how many total email messages get sent out to your sequence enrollees each day, ALL steps included.
This would typically be a multiple of the Daily Enrollment Limit Settings and how many total email steps you have inside your sequence, especially if the particular sequence you are building is ongoing and multiple prospects will be in different stages at any given time.
If you are enrolling 10 prospects a day from 'In-Queue', and have 5 email steps inside your sequence, you would want to have the Daily Email Send Limit at 50, because moving forward on any given day you will have 10 prospects at each step that will need to receive an email.
Toggle Options
Send follow-up emails as a reply in the same thread
Select if you would like follow-up emails from this particular sequence sent as a reply in the same thread. If the toggle is blue, it is turned on and all emails initiated from the sequence will be sent in one thread.
Add a link for contacts to unsubscribe
Select if you would like the emails sent from this sequence to include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of your outbound emails. If the toggle is blue, it is turned on and all emails initiated from the sequence will include an unsubscribe link.
If turned on, your unsubscribe stats for your prospects will be available to query on your Contacts List Pages by running the 'Email Subscription' filter. This will also display elsewhere including on your Signals Page under Sales Inbox, Contact Details Page, and as a notification on the notification bell.
Include an opt-out on SMS
Select if you would like to allow a recipient to opt-out of an SMS subscription. The recipient will have the ability to reply 'STOP' to opt out of receiving an SMS. If the toggle is blue, it's turned on and the recipient will be able to do so.
Track Email Opens
Select if you would like the emails sent from this sequence to track email opens. If the toggle is blue, it is turned on and all email opens initiated from the sequence will be tracked.
These stats will be displayed on the Sequences tab, and Sequence Stats page, as well as be available for any filter queries on your list pages.
Track Link Clicks
Select if you would like the emails sent from this sequence to track link clicks if you have a link present in your email templates that are being utilized by the sequence. If the toggle is blue, it is turned on and all link clicks initiated from the sequence will be tracked.
These stats will be displayed on the Sequences tab, Sequence Stats page, as well as be available for any filter queries on your list pages.
Delay Between Emails
Here you have the option to set a delay time between email sends. Typically, the higher the delay the better with this setting. This will space your emails out according to your setting.
There is also your Email Sender Reputation to keep in mind here, and with a lot of emails going out at 30-60 second intervals, you are likely to get flagged as spam.
Sequence Enrollment Options: Automatic & Dynamic or Manual & One-Time
Auto Enrollment
The Auto Enrollment setting defines the SmartList(s), or Saved Filter(s), that contain the prospect records you would like automatically enrolled in the sequence you are creating. It is important to make note of the type of SmartList you are setting for auto-enrollment, as Static and Exit lists will not have additional prospects added to the lists in the future, while Enter and Active Lists may have additional prospects added to the lists in the future.
Click here for a refresher on SmartLists!
Auto Unenrollment
The Auto Unenrollment setting defines the SmartList(s), or Saved Filter(s), that contain the prospect records you would like automatically unenrolled from the sequence you are creating, i.e. If prospect 'A' falls into 'said' filter, then unenroll (even if the prospect is still in the original auto enrollment filter).
After the Settings are defined, be sure to click the blue 'Save Smartlists' button in the bottom right-hand corner as shown below.
On clicking the 'Next' button on the bottom right corner of the screen after saving the SmartLists, you can edit and preview the sequence setup before finally launching the sequence.