SmartLists, in their simplest form, can be looked at as saved filters. Whether it be for one property, or multiple properties, after running a filter you will always have the option to save a new SmartList, or update an existing one, for you to easily access in the future.
Furthermore, SmartLists within the Contacts page (People/Company tabs) can be used for auto-enrolment within your sequences.
This article will cover the following topics regarding SmartLists:
Every page in Uptics displays the SmartLists respective to that page in the dropdown (as shown highlighted below).
Uptics has some basic default SmartLists for you as a starting point on each page, but naturally, when you have leads in the system you will have your own SmartLists you'll want to create depending on your business, what you're selling, your sales process, and the segments you'd like to break your prospects into.
What is the purpose of a SmartList?
As mentioned above, a SmartList is useful for easily accessing saved filters within any page on Uptics. Within the Contacts page (People/Company tabs), the SmartLists you create can be used for auto-enrollment and unenrollment within your sequences.
If you think about a traditional IF/THEN statement, SmartLists on the Contacts Pages can be looked at as the IF, while the Sequence and the steps you build out can be looked at as the THEN. For example, IF contacts are in Industry X and have 0 Email Replies in the system, THEN enroll into Sequence #1 and send them these email steps that are built out.
To understand the concept of a SmartList, let's say you upload a list of prospects with the properties of first name, last name, email address, phone number, industry, job title, company name, and lead status. With that list, you can run filters or queries based on any one, or more, of those properties.
For example, if you prospect 3 different industries, it would be natural to create a SmartList for each specific industry you prospect, as your messaging may be different for each. In this instance, you would create a filter using the property 'Industry', with the property attributes 'Contains {Industry Name}'. Proceeding to save this as an Active SmartList will then automatically add any prospects that match this condition into the SmartList, now and moving forward.
Utilizing SmartLists for quick reference is one thing, but where it can be very powerful is in your sequence automation. You can set a sequence, from the Enrollment Tab, to auto-enroll any leads that meet the conditions you have saved in the system. This can be especially useful if you're using Active SmartLists, which will essentially move leads in and out of the SmartList based on the property attributes you have defined.
To run another example, you may want to consider creating SmartLists for different Lead Statuses of your prospects and using these SmartLists to automate your messaging to prospects in different Lead Stages. If you have 5 steps in your sales process, you likely have different messaging that needs to go out if the prospect is a cold lead versus a warm prospect that you had a meeting with, but haven't yet closed the deal. If you have a lead status of "Cold" and a lead status of "Warm", as you change the statuses of leads they will enter and exit the lists if they meet the parameters you have defined.
Furthermore, if you have some automation set up through the Zapier Integration to get inbound leads into Uptics, you can have the properties configured to automatically add certain leads to existing SmartLists based on their property attributes, which in turn can also then enroll them into the correct sequence.
What are the different types of SmartLists?
There are 4 types of SmartList within the Uptics platform, each with its own unique logic and functionality.
Active List - Contacts can move in and out of the list automatically.
Static List - Contacts can be added or removed manually.
Enter List - Contacts will only enter the list and not leave.
Exit List - Contacts will only exit the list and not enter.
In order to determine what type(s) of SmartList(s) you will be creating and utilizing, you'll need to take a step back and determine what the list is being used for.
Furthermore, you will want to keep in mind that you may be using your SmartLists as triggers for automating enrollment into your prospecting sequences once you go live with your campaigns.
Below are a few scenarios and examples that may help in making the determination on what type(s) of SmartList(s) to create...
Active Lists - Customer Lists, Unsubscribe Lists, Block Lists, Interest Based Lists, Specific Lead Status Lists. These lists are dynamic, meaning the contacts present in this list will enter and exit the list based on the properties and attributes you have assigned for the SmartList.
Static Lists - Attendee Lists, Registrant Lists, Trade Show Lists, Staff Lists. Basically, any list that you do NOT want to change.
Enter Lists - Specific Lead Source Lists, Specific Lead Type Lists, Sign Up Lists. These lists are more geared for inbound leads and segmenting your contacts with regard to the properties which made them a contact in your system.
Exit Lists - Any list that has a foreseeable 'end' to it, meaning the list will get smaller and smaller over time as prospects are communicated with and knocked off the list. I.e. If you have an Exit List with the filter 'Lead Status' is 'Cold', once the prospects' lead status changes to something else they will be removed from the list.
Creating a SmartList
The first step in creating a SmartList is to make a filter with the properties and property attributes you would like to query. These filtering options will be different depending on what page or module you are on inside Uptics.
For the purposes of driving Sequence Enrollment Automation, the steps below will outline how to create a SmartList on the Contacts People page. The video above will also portray these steps!
While on the Contacts Page, select the '+ Filter' button near the top of the page.
On the dropdown, choose the property you would like to filter and select the property condition you are looking to filter for. Then, depending on the property and selection, select or enter a property attribute or type to query.
Next, after your selections are made, click outside of the dropdown to close it out.
From here, you can proceed to add additional filters to your liking before proceeding.
Once your filters are all set, proceed to create the SmartList by clicking the 'Save' button to the right of the filter(s).
A popup will appear, and you'll need to set up the conditions of your SmartList by filling out the SmartList Name, determining the List Type (discussed above in this article), the Visibility Settings, and pressing the 'Save' button. Note: 'Private' SmartLists will be visible to only your User Account, whereas 'Public' will be visible to any Users under your Company Account.
Once your new SmartList has been saved, this will appear in the gray dropdown.
Using a SmartList for Auto-Enrollment in a Sequence
You may use one or more SmartLists to automatically enroll prospects into your sequences.
When you are building a sequence and you arrive at the Enrollment Options page in the Sequence Builder, there will be options for Automatic & Dynamic Enrollment and Manual & One-Time Enrollment.
By clicking the Automatic & Dynamic option, a popup will appear and you can easily add your SmartList(s) to the Auto Enroll or Auto Unenroll Dropdown. Once you select a SmartList from the list, the number of Contacts that will be enrolled will appear on the Enrollment Page. Press the ''Save SmartLists' bottom on the bottom right-hand corner to save your selection(s).
If you have an existing Sequence that you would like to add a SmartList to for auto-enrollment, simply go to your Sequence List page, click into your Sequence, click the 'Enrollment' tab, and click on the 'Automatic & Dynamic' Enrollment icon near the upper right-hand corner, and follow the same steps as above on the popout!