Does Uptics offer dedicated IP addresses?

Uptics does not currently offer dedicated IP addresses as an option due to the risks associated with dedicated IPs.

This article will discuss the risks associated with dedicated IPs, as well as touch on how shared IPs work in general. When you connect an inbox in Uptics, Uptics is simply a medium for your email sending, and all of the sent emails still end up sending through your own Email Provider's servers.

What are the risks associated with Dedicated IPs?

Although dedicated IPs can be helpful for businesses, there are also risks associated with using a dedicated IP address:

  • Reputation management: You are solely responsible for maintaining the reputation of your dedicated IP address. If you send spam or low-quality emails, your IP reputation can suffer, leading to poor deliverability and potentially getting blacklisted by ISPs.

  • Warming-up period: When you start using a new dedicated IP address, you need to warm it up by gradually increasing the volume of emails sent over time. This process can be time-consuming and requires careful planning. Sending large volumes of emails right away can damage your IP reputation and result in poor deliverability.

  • Cost: Dedicated IP addresses are typically more expensive than shared IP addresses, as they require additional resources and management. This can be a disadvantage for small businesses or individuals with limited budgets.

  • IP blacklisting: If your IP address gets blacklisted due to poor sending practices or a security breach, it can be challenging to get removed from those blacklists. This can severely impact your email deliverability and require time and effort to resolve.

  • Limited scalability: If your email-sending volume increases significantly, you might need to add additional dedicated IP addresses to handle the load. Managing multiple IP addresses can be complex and may require more advanced email infrastructure.

  • Security: With a dedicated IP address, you are solely responsible for ensuring the security of your email infrastructure. This includes protecting against unauthorized access, spamming, and potential DDoS attacks.

  • Technical expertise: Managing a dedicated IP address requires a certain level of technical expertise to ensure proper configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting. This can be challenging for organizations without dedicated IT staff or resources.

While using a dedicated IP address for email sending can offer benefits, it also comes with risks and responsibilities that need to be carefully considered and managed.

How do shared IPs work?

When using email client providers like Gmail or Microsoft (, you are essentially using their shared IP addresses for email sending. These large email service providers maintain a pool of IP addresses that they assign to their users for sending emails.

These IP addresses are managed and monitored by the email service providers to maintain their reputation and ensure high deliverability rates. Since they serve a large user base, they invest heavily in infrastructure and security measures to prevent spam and maintain a good sending reputation.

In general, using shared IP addresses from reputable email service providers like Gmail or Microsoft provides a good balance between cost, deliverability, and ease of use, especially for individuals and small businesses. However, it's important to note that your email sending reputation is still influenced by your own sending practices, and consistently sending low-quality emails or spam can lead to deliverability issues even when using a shared IP address from these providers.

For more information on IPs & Domains used within Uptics, please check out this article.

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