How to export data from Uptics?

Steps to export your People, Company, and Deal lists from Uptics

Uptics allows you to export any data pertaining to your Contacts (People and Companies) and Deals Lists. Exportable data types include list data (the properties associated with your lists, including system information properties), emails, calls, SMS messages, notes, tasks, and logs.

Follow the steps below to initiate an export, and upon completion, the export file will be emailed over to the email address you use to log in to Uptics. The steps below will be the same for People, Companies, and Deals Exports.

  1. Begin by going to the collection you'd like to export (People, Companies, Deals) and select any SmartList or Filter you'd like to narrow down your export with. To export all records for that collection, select the All Contacts SmartList, for example, from the People List page.

  2. Next, select the checkbox underneath 'People'.

  3. Then, on the left side of the blue banner, select the Select All option to select all records currently queried on your list page.

  4. Select the 'Export' icon.

  5. Select the Data Type you'd like to export.

  6. Select if you would like only the Selected Fields to export (those that are currently visible on your list page), or All Fields to export all fields associated with the data type.

  7. Select Export, and you will be emailed a link to down a file with you data. Depending on the size of your export, it may take some time for everything to process.

Export Data from Uptics

Note: To export a specific query or list of records, if you perform the above steps while present in a SmartList in the left submenu navigation panel, only the records in the SmartList you are in will export. To export all of your records, click on the 'All Contacts' SmartList.

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