How to customize the form when manually creating contacts or deals

Steps to edit the properties that show when manually adding a new people, company, or deal record

When manually adding a contact (people or company) record into Uptics via the 'Add' button, as well as adding a new deal, you can customize the properties you would like present on this form. A few properties are static and required on these forms for each module, however, the rest of the properties in the system, including your own custom fields, are fully customizable. In addition to selecting the properties you would like shown, you can also use the drag and drop feature to re-order how these properties appear.

Customize forms via Settings in UpticsCustomize Forms via Button in Uptics

The steps shown here are the same whether you are on the People or Company tab on the Contacts Module. Furthermore, the same steps can be used when present on the Deals Module.

For a longer video tutorial of these steps, please see below.

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