How to manually add a single contact, company, or deal record

Steps to manually create a new people, company, or deal records in Uptics

Manual additions to your Contact/Company/Deal Lists are quite simple.

There are many instances in which you may want to utilize the Manual Creation (or Quick Add) feature.


One instance in which you may want to use the Manual Contact Creation would be if you received a phone call from a prospect that is a referral from a current client. In this case, they may not have been on a prospecting list you had already imported and been using within your Sales Automation Software, or they may not have been created automatically through our Zapier Integration if the lead didn't come in through any digital means. The Manual Creation (or Quick Add) feature will come in handy for instances like this.

How to use the add button to create a new contact record in Uptics

The steps shown below are the same whether you are on the People or Company tab on the Contacts Module. Furthermore, the same steps can be used when present on the Deals Module to manually add a deal to your account.

Steps to Manually Add a Contact:

  1. While logged into Uptics, proceed to the 'Contacts' tab on the left side of the screen, click on the ‘+' QuickAdd icon on the upper right-hand side of the screen.

  2. Upon clicking the '+' icon, select People or Company depending on the details you would like to add. A form will then appear on the right side of your screen to fill out the properties of the Contact you are adding to the system. Proceed by entering any information you have about the Contact. The Preset Properties in the system for Manual Contact Creation include the following: First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Email, Lead Source, Lead Status, Lead Type, Contact Owner, Tags, and Phone Number. The Properties that are present on this form are customizable through Contact List Settings > Customize Forms, as shown in the image below.

  3. Conclude by clicking the 'Save' button on the bottom right-hand side of the form, and your New Contact will now be present in your Contacts list.

For a longer video tutorial of these steps, please see below.

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