Adding contact property merge fields to email and message templates

How to add custom fields, dynamic variables, tags, snippets, and/or merge fields to email and message templates

To reference a contact property (merge field) inside an email template, simply click on the merge field icon in the bottom left-hand corner of your email template editor and choose the property you'd like to reference.

If you have custom fields or snippets created inside of your Uptics Account, these can be added in as well using the same steps.

  1. From the Email Templates Page by clicking on the blue + sign in the upper right-hand corner and select 'Email'.

  2. Once the editor is open, to add a merge field into the template simply select the merge field icon as shown below and choose the property or snippet you'd like to add into the template.

  3. Once selected, the merge field will appear inside of the template, and any time the template is used and sent to a contact, if the contact has that property it will be referenced.

If you'd like to have a placeholder, or fallback token in place, in case this template gets sent to a contact that doesn't have the specific property that is referenced, you may do so by left-clicking on the property you inserted into the template and by applying a fallback token. Learn more about fallback tokens here.

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