At this point, your profile is pretty basic. Under your 'Profile' icon on the bottom left-hand side of the screen, within the 'Profile & Preferences' tab under 'Settings', you will be able to change the following.
Change your profile picture.
First Name (first name assigned to the specific user profile)
Last Name (last name assigned to the specific user profile)
Phone Number
Email ID (email id used to log in to
Job Title
Password (password used to log in to
Any changes to your first or last name will be reflected under the 'Users' tab under 'Settings'>'Admin Settings' (as well as throughout the system with task/lead/deal/sequence management and assignment), while any changes to your email address or password will be reflected on your login page to Please note: changing any details here will not change the email address that is integrated with the system and used for prospecting/correspondence purposes. To change this email, you will want to go through the steps under the Completing your Email Account Integration article.
To Change your Profile Picture displayed in upper right-hand corner:
While logged into, proceed to the bottom left-hand corner of your screen and click on the 'Profile' icon and click Settings > Profile & Preferences.
Click the 'Upload' option under 'My Profile'.
Proceed by selecting an image/profile photo of your choosing from your saved documents, preferably in PNG format, and select 'Open'.
Your profile photo should automatically be updated to reflect the file you chose.
To Change First or Last Name:
While logged into, proceed to the 'Profile' icon on the bottom left-hand side of the screen, click 'Settings', and ensure the tab along the top is set to 'My Profile'.
Next, adjust/replace the 'First Name' or 'Last Name' with the change(s) you would like.
On making the necessary changes, the data gets auto-saved.
To Change the Email used for logging into Uptics:
While logged into, proceed to the 'Profile' icon on the bottom left-hand side of the screen, click Settings > Profile & Preferences.
Under the 'Job Title', click on the blue text which says 'Change Email'. A pop up will appear on the left-hand side of the screen saying 'Change Account Email' where you will need to add your current password, new email address and click the blue 'Save' button at the bottom right side of the screen.
Once finalized, click the blue 'Save' button in the bottom right-hand corner.
To Change the Password used for logging into Uptics:
While logged into, proceed to the 'Profile' icon on the bottom left-hand side of the screen, click Settings > Profile & Preferences.
Proceed to click on the blue text which says 'Change Password'.
Once selected, type in your current password under 'Current Password' (it may prefill this for you) and your new password under 'New Password'. Retype the new password under 'Confirm Password'.
Once finalized, click the blue 'Save' button in the bottom right-hand corner.
To change you 'Phone Number' and 'Job Title'