How to Schedule/Pause an Email to be sent in a sequence?

Steps to send a scheduled email in a sequence.

We now have the ability to 'Schedule/Pause Emails' to be sent via a sequence within Uptics. This feature is very helpful in a scenario when you do not want to send emails right away and would like a human intervention to review and send the same. It can be useful for personalized Cold Emails or Follow Up emails where you would want to customize the message first. You have the option to keep your email template ready in a sequence and 'Pause' the step for scheduling.

Steps to send a 'Scheduled Email'

  • On adding a sequence, give your sequence a name, etc. Click the '+' icon and click the 'Email' option to add an email step.

  • Pick a template from the already created or available global template options else click the '+' blue icon to create a new template.

  • Click the 'II' button highlighted in the screenshot below to turn it 'ON'. Turning it on will schedule an email to be sent.

  • You can proceed with adding other steps if required and move ahead by clicking the 'Next' option on the bottom right corner of the screen to set the Sending Options. Note: If a 'Scheduled Email' task is completed outside of the sequence run time settings, it will still send out the email immediately.

  • Click the 'Next' option to Enroll contacts into your sequence. Post enrolling contacts, click the 'Next' option to preview your 'Sequence Setup' (see the below screenshot). From here, you have the option to edit and make any required changes to your sequence.

  • Once ready, click the 'Launch Sequence' option to Launch the sequence.

  • As the contacts move ahead, the 'Scheduled Email' due task will show under the 'Sales Inbox' as highlighted in the below screenshot.

  • From here, you can click on the task and it will open up the 'Contact Details' page from where you have the ability to make changes to the email message and click the 'Send' option as shown below for the scheduled email to be sent.

  • Once the Scheduled Email has been sent, the task under the sales inbox gets checked off to indicate completion.

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