How to Import Contacts, Companies, and Deals into Uptics via CSV File

Steps to Import Contacts, Companies, and Deals into Uptics via a CSV file

Importing a list of Contacts or Deals can be very useful for a number of reasons, with the most obvious being (1) maintaining the integrity of your data and (2) the time savings of importing versus manual record creation.

With a potential prospecting list of thousands, or even more, consistency amongst the different property fields is very important across your Lists.

At the bottom of this article, you will find a sample template for importing a list of people records into the system, however, any CSV file will work and our Import Module will allow you to map the headers from your file to properties inside of Uptics.

If you have custom fields on your file that may not be available in Uptics by default, no worries! Uptics allows you to create these custom fields right during the import process if you'd like.

Importing a CSV of Contacts or Deals into Uptics

If you'd like, the video below has a detailed walkthrough of the Import Process. It also portrays a few other hidden gems that come along with importing into Uptics, like our Import Tags and Import History Logs!

To initiate and complete an import into Uptics, you may also follow the steps below:

  1. While logged into Uptics, begin by clicking on records, contacts, the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner, and finally import records.

  2. Next, follow the on-screen instructions for completing your import. The video above will also portray all of these steps if needed.

  3. Proceed by selecting if your file has a header row or not. If it does have a header, this will be helpful, as the system will be able to try and auto-map your properties to the properties inside of Uptics.

  4. Next, click to import a file, and choose the file on your file explorer that you'd like to import.

  5. Once the file has been selected, you will be prompted to select a category the import file is in respect to (1) People, (b) Companies, or (c) Deals.

  6. Determine the optional settings at the top of the Import Module, turning each setting on or off using the toggles.

  7. Finally, map your data to the property fields inside of Uptics. Go through each column from your file and choose the corresponding property in the dropdown. You will notice there will be real sample data pulled in for each column on the left side for easy identification of the column property.

  8. Once your columns and property fields are mapped, proceed by clicking the 'Import' button. Once completed, the system will notify you and send you an email, and your Import History Settings will provide any updates on your Imports, including the 'Import Tag' that was applied to each record for a specific import.

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