How to use the Plain Text Email Function

Understanding the Plain Text Feature in Uptics

The plain text email function in Uptics enables you to craft and send emails in plain text format to your prospects directly from the software, rather than formatted HTML emails, helping you maintain a more personal and authentic communication style.

Plain text emails are simpler in structure without any special formatting, images, or links, and they appear like regular text. Enabling plain text also removes and open or click tracking as well.

This article will guide you through the benefits of using plain text, as well as the process of enabling the plain text function within your email templates and sequences to enhance your email outreach efforts.

Benefits of using Plain Text Emails

  1. Improved Deliverability: Plain text emails are less likely to trigger spam filters compared to richly formatted HTML emails, improving the chances of your emails reaching the recipients' inbox.

  2. Personalization: Plain text emails create a more personal and one-on-one communication experience. The simplicity of plain text allows for a more intimate and authentic conversation, which can foster stronger connections with your recipients.

  3. Accessibility: Plain text emails are accessible to all recipients, regardless of the email client or device they are using. They are compatible with a wide range of devices, including mobile phones and older email clients that may not render HTML emails correctly.

  4. Fast Loading: Plain text emails are lightweight and load quickly, particularly in scenarios where recipients have limited internet connectivity. This ensures that your message reaches the recipient promptly and without any delays.

  5. Increased Readability: With plain text, there are no distractions caused by graphics, formatting, or unnecessary elements. The focus remains solely on the content of the message, making it easier for recipients to read and understand the information you're providing.

  6. Wide Language Support: Plain text emails are compatible with different languages, character sets, and special characters. This means that you can communicate effectively and confidently, regardless of the language or specific characters needed for your message.

  7. Reduced Email Production Time: Creating plain text emails is generally quicker and simpler compared to designing and coding HTML emails. This allows you to focus on crafting the message itself rather than spending excessive time on formatting and design.

By utilizing the benefits of plain text emails, you can enhance your communication strategy and deliver clear, concise, and personalized messages to your recipients, fostering more meaningful engagements.

How to Enable the Plain Text Function in your Email Templates

The plain text function can be enabled on a template-by-template basis, and the plain text functionality is currently only supported if the template is being sent through a sequence.

Note: If you attempt to send a template via one-on-one email, or via bulk email, the plain text setting will not apply.

To enable plain text inside any Email Template, simply select the button as shown below inside your Email Template. By selecting this, the button will turn gray, and that particular template will now send as plain text when used inside of a sequence.

  1. Navigate to the Templates section in Uptics.

  2. Click on the + in the upper right-hand corner to create a new email template, or select an existing template to edit.

  3. Within the template editor select the button as shown and highlighted above.

  4. Input your subject line, name the template, and compose your email content without any special formatting, images, or links.

  5. Save the template.

  6. Assign the template as a step inside any sequence.

If you require further assistance or have any additional questions regarding the Plain Text feature within Uptics, do not hesitate to reach out to our support team and we'd be happy to assist.

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