Under the Reports tab, you will be able to create and look at different types of data at various levels. The Reports tab will provide you with important details that can be used to help develop future forecasts, marketing plans, guide budget planning, monitor KPIs and improve decision-making. These kinds of business reports are also used to track progress and growth, identify trends or any irregularities that may need further investigation.
Under the Reports tab, you can make custom reports, with any parameters you wish to view different stats information! For example, you can view calls, wrong numbers, no answers, etc by the day, month, any time.
Within the reports sub-tab, you have the option to view reports created by you across different categories i.e. All Reports, Create by me, Created by others, Status Reports, Task Reports, Email Reports, SMS Reports, Call Reports, Deal Reports, People Reports, Company Reports.
Reports can also be filtered using the different options 'Type', 'Name', 'Creator', 'Date', available at the top of the reports page as shown in the screenshot below.