If you are expecting to see some email replies or new emails show up in Uptics, but are not seeing them, there are a few things that could be going on.
First and foremost, check out our quick article on what emails sync within Uptics. Two important points to take away are that (1) the recipient's email address must be tied to a contact record in your Uptics Account, and (2) in order for a reply to show in the Inbox you must be under the respective Uptics user account that the receiving inbox is connected under.
If the above is true, it is important to point out that with any email syncing, sometimes email client provider APIs can occasionally fail, and this can occur with any third-party app that your email is connected to.
In most cases, a simple reauthentication can fix and resolve the issue moving forward if this arises!
Please proceed to re-authenticate the inboxes you are not seeing replies for, and monitor to see if the issue persists moving forward. You may also send yourself a test email after authenticating to confirm if replies are now showing up inside of your account.
Reauthentication can be done by clicking on the WarmUp Icon (🔥) on the left menu navigation, and then clicking the reauthenticate icon off to the right of the inbox.
If the issue persists moving forward, after reauthenticating, please open up a support ticket with Uptics and provide the following:
Denote the specific inboxes that are affected and when they were reauthenticated last.
Email Addresses of the contacts you emailed and whose replies did not show up, as well as which inbox of yours they replied to.
A video, or supporting screenshots, showing the email thread and the associated email addresses both inside of your email provider as well as in Uptics.