How can I shut off automatic Company Creation?

Steps to skip company creation when adding new contacts or people records.

When you proceed to manually create or import people records into the system, Uptics will, by default, create company records as well. To understand more about this, how it works, and why, please click here to read more.

If you do not have a need to utilize the Company Contact Collection (#2 below), as opposed to the People Contact Collection (#1 below), there are 2 areas where you can prevent these company contact records from being auto-created.

Global Default Setting to Skip Company Creation

To apply a global default setting for your account to skip company creation when new people records are added to your account, proceed to your Settings > Profile & Preferences, and turn on the toggle underneath your Preferences.

With this settings enabled and the toggle turned on, anytime a people record gets added to the system, a company record will not be created by default. Furthermore, whatever this setting is set to will also be applied to the optional setting inside of the Import Module.

Import Specific Setting to Skip Company Creation

To adjust the skip company record setting for a particular import, this toggle is also available any time you proceed to import a CSV into the system. If you have the global setting, as discussed above, turned off, then this setting will be turned off for all of your imports. If you have it turned on, then the same will apply to the imports as well.

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